9 Jean Batten Drive
, Mount Maunganui Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
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07 572 4000
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CAF - Commemorative Air Force
Activities & Events
Cafe & Bar
Little Friends
Aviation Museum
Online Shop
Gift Shop
Aircraft Exhibits
Museum School/Pre School & Group Visits
School & Pre School Visits
Senior Tour Groups
Special Interest Clubs
Legacy Jet Centre
Venue Hire
Events Hangar
Boeing Room
Armoury Room
Rotary Room
Museum Hangar Apron
Kids Parties
Adventure Flights
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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Renewal Membership - Supporter Family would interest you.
It is important you fill out a supporter's membership form
click here
and print it off, fill it out and either post it back to us at Classic Flyers, 9 Jean Batten Drive, Mt Maunganui 3116 or alternatively scan it and email back to enquire@classicflyersnz.com.
Through your generosity in donating to Classic Flyers you will be helping us keep New Zealand's aviation history alive. We therefore offer you in return 15% discount in our AVGAS Cafe. 15% discount on any functions purchased at Classic Flyers. You will have free access for yourself, spouse / partner and up to 3 children to our museums. You will receive emailed updates of special events and aircraft visits.
*Pricing includes credit card fees*
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